Thursday, October 2, 2008

S'mores anyone?

We love getting together with some work friends of mine to have dinner. We decided to have a hot dog roast and campfire night up Big Cottonwood Canyon. We had a great time! Andrew loved being out in nature. He was very intriqued by the fire and sat down about 4 feet from it to watch it...then the marshmallows were opened for s'mores. He had to put them in the fire too, but was way too impatient for them to be completely done. He grabbed one and shoved it in his mouth and by the end of the night had had four of them. I am quite surprised that he fell asleep on the way down the canyon with that much sugar in him!


Toby and Tammy said...

too funny! glad he likes s'mores-he sure is a cute kid!

Tory and Elizabeth said...

UHMMM! I love smores and I didn't get to have one this year. Love the picture with the marshmallow all over his face, that is how I eat mine too.

Brittany said...

That is hilarious!!!!!!